Oh sûrement misérable,
oh détour incroyable,
dynamique indésirable,
étrange état exécrable.
Également déplorable,
périodicité interminable,
obstination réprochable,
oh hasard inévitable.
Chaudement guérissable,
oh purgation ineffable,
oh victoire admirable,
oh miracle vénérable.
Égoïsme détectable,
oh fractal pitoyable,
oh origine inégalable,
oh paradis inalterable.
Oh l'amour véritable,
oh poème formidable,
miséricorde verifiable,
oh le plus improbable.
Feigenbaum's parabel

In the highest ugly heat,
almost never a repeat,
sad travel with no rest,
ever close to the best.
In the most hellish beat,
a silly and vain defeat,
also a spectacle disjoint,
an epsilon from the point.
In the real driving seat,
surely a fantastic feat,
a way to erected root,
faithful relief and fruit,
In the symbolic tree,
thorns, dust in a spree,
but in humble zero set,
line cancels all debt.
In the unbent choice,
always a clear voice,
an appointed up lift,
deterministic a gift.
(June 2010)